So many charities out there and so many more sprouting up every day.
So what does a coder do when they want to give some of their knowledge and time back?
And what does a charity do when they want to find a coder who wants to give something back?
Facebook? Linkedin? Upwork?
They don't offer the right solution.
The right solution should be organic, a well-managed platform where you can compare and reach out.
You with me?
Let me be the first CharityCoder. So if you have a charity website in Drupal 7 and you need certain functionalities to be updated (not content), reach out to me and see if 1) I believe in your charity, 2) if I have time for this commitment, and 3) if I can do the things you want to see done. I'll only respond to Charities who run a legit charity and who have a dedicated site for that charity. Therefore it's your responsibility to show me proof of such and to influence me to your vision.
Actually, this is how I believe the future platform of CharityCoders should operate when they want to engage a VolunteerCoder.
I'm skilled in Mac and I LOVE Macs. I train people who are new to Mac and the MacBook Pro I'm using now to write this text is 11 years old. What a GREAT and durable investment.
In relation to Drupal, most sites now-a-days are made in Drupal 9 or 10 but I'm still in Drupal 7 and I believe that still many Charity websites are in 7. I LOVE Drupal 7 until of course someone passionately teaches me Drupal 9/10.
Since I have been doing pretty much everything myself (and I shouldn't), I know what it means to build a website from scratch. I master great skills such as HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery, cPanel, Terminal, and FTP.
Coach & Teacher @ Heart » I Love Helping People » Entrepreneur » Drupal 7 Dev
Impress us with your abilities and experience. Leave your certificates and degrees at home. Fill in the following when applying:
It's hard to find experts in the field and even harder to compare because they are in too many different places.
The biggest hurdle private teachers and coaches experience. Most don't like it and many suck at it.
Remove the sales conversation by offering PAID Single-session Courses, like a consultation.
On, the one-stop education marketplace for 1-to-1 learning ... via screen sharing
Pitch nights @ Fishburners Sydney
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How to improve faster?
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Learn from the expert in the field
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The one-stop education marketplace
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Private Teacher's Biggest Problem
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Remove the sales conversation
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Paid Single-session Courses
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Our initial market focus
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Student pays, we keep 15% margin
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It's live: go check it out!
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We focus only on 5-star teachers
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Courses need an introduction video
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For people who are interested in this project and don't have the time or skillset to help out or help manage this project but do have financial means that would support the project substantially, investing could be the answer to take on and kill two birds with one stone:
Questions you may have:
If you're serious, show us when you connect with us and propose how you intend to invest.
If you are an investor with a mindset like us, reach out.
So you can help us make money to help you make money and so you can give back to society.
Because you will. It's in your nature.